God Without Religion


God Without Religion

By Arun Gandhi

Arun Gandhi in New Dehli

The question — What is God? — has baffled mankind for eons and will continue to defy logical understanding as long as we live with the concept that there is Heaven up above and that God sits there judging all of humanity and punishing those who misbehave.. Eminent people throughout the history of mankind have tried to find a logical answer to this vexing question with little success. His Holiness Gautama, The Buddha, one among many, did tapasya under a banyan tree for years and ultimately found that God exists within every human heart in the form of love, compassion, understanding and all positive attributes that human kind is capable of but often chooses to suppress. I think instead of trying to put an image to our concept of God we ought to devote greater energy to understanding the meaning of God.


This book God Without Religion: Questioning Centuries of Accepted Truths, by Sankara Saranam is the result of many years of study of different scriptures in a refreshing attempt to provide humankind with a modernized, up-dated spiritual road map to use in our eternal quest to understand God.  Since the identity of God is so inscrutable (may even be considered the best kept secret in the world) and the philosophy surrounding this Power so impenetrable religious leaders of different religions have defined God in ways that raise more questions than they answer. The easiest and the most accepted explanation is to see God in the shape of those we consider to be God’s messengers – among Christians Jesus; among Muslims Mohammed; among Hindus Krishna and among Buddhists Gautama. [Read more…]